The Boyd Blog

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Hearing Bumps in the Night? Here’s What to Do

Bump. You definitely heard it this time. It’s 2:00 AM and everyone should be asleep. Is your mind playing tricks, is it an intruder or, some of those roaring Santa Ana winds? It is the season for gusty winds. However, mysterious bumps in the night haunt us year-round. According to research, we experience them four times […]

Small Business Security Tips: Why You Need A Security System

Small business owners might not always think about security on a daily basis. When you’re too busy worried about the day-to-day operations of owning a business – from managing employees, keeping financial records, to the actual customer transactions of providing products or services, it can be easy to forget that entire operations often hinge on […]

17 Tech Resources to Entertain Kids (and Parents) Over the Holiday Break

Already wondering how you’re going to keep the kids occupied over holiday break? We’ve put together a list of online resources to help you out. Read on to discover a blend of fun, educational, safe, and inexpensive ways to use technology to keep kids happy and sometimes even build family connectedness. Stay connected with interactive […]

Home Security Holiday Tips: Smart Lights, Locks And Automation

The holiday season is upon us, which means your neighborhood might be undergoing its annual winter wonderland transformation. But before you go full Clark Griswold with your seasonal lights and home decorations, consider a few of our home security holiday tips. When it comes to seasonal decorations, some simple smart home automation tweaks can play […]


This Holiday Season Porch Pirates Don’t Stand A Chance

Never Miss Activity at Your Door No matter where you’re at, you can see who’s at your door before opening it. Simply check your notifications and talk with visitors using two-way voice communication. This lets you protect yourself and your family from inside while also keeping an eye on delivered packages and other belongings at […]

Thanksgiving Safety Tips from Boyd & Associates

Did you know that the number of fire alarms Boyd & Associates monitoring center receives skyrockets on Thanksgiving Day, largely because of home cooking fires? Cooking is the number one way house fires start, and the NFPA agrees, Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires. Luckily, many of the alarm signals received by our monitoring center on Thanksgiving […]