The Boyd Blog

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Do Home Surveillance Cameras Really Deter Crime?

Home surveillance cameras can deter crime, but no system is 100% failproof. A thief may still steal from your home if they don’t notice the camera or see it there but take the risk anyway. But home security cameras represent a multi-billion-dollar industry and the stats show why. An estimated 1,401,840 home burglaries occurred in […]


Does Your Business Need Access Control?

In a world where cybersecurity has taken center stage. Businesses still need access control. An access control system manages entry into buildings and specific areas within them. It increases security and allows you to control who is entering and exiting the building. Like cybersecurity, access control systems can integrate different forms of authentication. These include […]


History and Timeline of the Home Security System

The concept of the home security system is nothing new. An intrusion door alarm was invented in the early 1700s. Much like today’s security systems, it alerted homeowners of potential intruders. It was invented by Tildesley, an English inventor who linked a set of chimes mechanically to a door lock. There were other early inventions, […]


5 Tips for Planning Your Security Budget

Businesses face all kinds of security risks. Still, security planning can strain an already strapped budget, leading many companies to cut costs starting with their security infrastructure. Planning your security budget appropriately can avoid this; regardless of the percentage of your budget that goes towards security, it is how you allocate your resources that matter […]


Advantages of Surveillance Cameras

Surveillance cameras, once associated with the security infrastructure of businesses, government buildings, parking garages, and other high-profile areas, have been popping up in many residential settings. These include both urban and suburban locations and in apartment buildings and single-family homes. Ease of installation and security monitoring services have made using home surveillance cameras and video […]


How to Secure Your Remote Access Security Camera System

Remote access security cameras have many benefits but are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. An attacker can access the surveillance camera directly or through a firewall part, video recorder, or a Windows or Linux operating system. Even cloud-based recording systems aren’t immune to attacks. Hackers have done everything from monitoring remote cameras through home wireless networks to […]