Helpful Tips For Protecting Your Small Business During A Mandated Shutdown

We’re facing an unprecedented situation that’s evolving hour by hour. To say the least, it’s a difficult time to own a business. Small or local business owners may be encountering particularly stressful and unique challenges.  We provide security to many small business owners, including those who are required by the government to shut down during this emergency. Investing in small business security is always the smart choice for many reasons, but we recognize that taking the necessary steps to protect your livelihood has never been more important.
As you continue to respond and adapt, we want to help you discover new and manageable ways to keep your business safe while the doors are closed.

Take action to help secure your small business

Our security experts at Boyd & Associates offer these 10 tips for securing your small business during this challenging time.

1. Secure valuable items and equipment out of sight or in an alternate location creating less temptation for a burglar.

2. If you have a company vehicle, park it in your store’s lot. Move it around daily to give the appearance that people are coming and going.

3. Suspend or forward mail, newspaper or package deliveries so they don’t pile up at your location.

4. Check in daily at your physical site (at different times) to ensure everything is secure.

5. Leave a few lights on in the building and remove anything that obstructs the view of your location from the street. This gives intruders fewer places to hide in the dark.

6. Team up with neighboring businesses to look out for each other. Start a Facebook group, a text chain, or a regularly scheduled Skype session to stay in touch and report any suspicious activity.

7. Keep up with your business’s social media and website presence. Continue to post information, updates, promotions, etc. to show you are still active and conducting business to the best of your ability.

8. If you have a security system, prominently display the signs and window decals to communicate that your business is professionally monitored.

9. Introduce yourself to local law enforcement and first responders who serve your area and provide your contact information.

10. Update your contact list and information with your security provider, landlord and neighboring businesses who may need to get in touch with you or another employee if something arises.

Do you already have Boyd & Associates Security?

If your small business has Boyd & Associates security, here are few additional steps we recommend taking as soon as possible:

1. Update your emergency contacts by calling (805) 650-3267.

2. Give us your updated schedule. Many businesses provide us with their regular operating schedules so we know when they are supposed to be open or closed. If Boyd & Associates monitors your schedule (open/close) call us with any changes to your hours. We can make adjustments right over the phone.

Learn more about what Boyd & Associates can do for you

Security isn’t something you have to tackle alone, and you don’t need a huge budget to help protect your investment. Whether you’re running a family owned shop, a restaurant or a professional office, we can tailor a system to meet your specific needs.

Learn more by visiting our website or calling us at (805) 650-3267 to find the right solution for you.

Stay safe!

Business Fire Safety Tips

Fire safety in the workplace should not be taken lightly. To ensure your office and employees are protected, focus on prevention, response protocols, and training. Even a small fire can cause enough damage to shut down your business for good. These tips can help you prevent such an occurrence, starting with prevention.

Preventing an Office Fire

According to the National Fire Prevention Association, cooking equipment causes more than a quarter of all office property fires. Other leading causes include electrical distribution and lighting equipment, heating equipment, smoking materials, and electronic, office, or entertainment equipment. The following preventative measures can improve fire safety in your office:

  • Install fire extinguishers in kitchenettes, cafeterias, and other at-risk locations and train all workers in using them.


  • Avoid overloading your electrical outlets and make sure the number of prongs between the plug and outlets match.


  • Make sure all electrical equipment has been rated by Underwriters Laboratories or another nationally recognized laboratory.


  • Avoid cluttering your workspace, which can add fire to fuel and block access to emergency exits and electrical control panels.


  • Maintain machinery to prevent it from overheating and generating friction sparks, which can ignite fires.


  • Store flammable chemicals only in well-ventilated areas and use extreme precautions in potentially explosive environments (and pay attention to labels and Material Safety Data Sheets).


  • If space heaters are permitted, use only devices with thermostat controls and store them away from flammable materials.

Establish Workplace Protocols

Your company should have a fire plan in place. It should outline the steps employees should take in case of a fire, including calling 911, appointing a fire prevention officer familiar with all escape routes and meeting points, and conducting regular fire drills. A fire evacuation plan should be posted in multiple locations (and include elevators). Evacuation protocols for disabled employees should be available.

In addition, your business should:

  • Install a sprinkler system: The National Fire Protection Association has said when properly installed and maintained, sprinklers can be 95% effective. Sprinklers are the best way to stop a fire from spreading.


  • Replace old wiring: Frayed wires, broken connectors, or cables with damaged insulation should be replaced right away. Also, avoid cluttering wires and plugs around a single outlet and don’t install more than one extension cord per outlet.


  • Leave room for appliances: For devices like computers, coffee machines, and others that heat up, leave enough room for them, and let them cool down. Make sure they’re kept away from paper, cloth, and other combustibles and unplug them at the end of the day.

First aid kits should be available where hazards are most likely to occur. Also, all employees should be made aware of where each first aid kit is.

Employee training should involve all workers knowing how many doors, machines, or desks are between their work area and the closest exit. The locations of alternative exits and fire alarms (and how to use them) should be known as well.

Smoke and Fire Alarms

Smoke detectors are required by law, which also identifies how they should be installed, placed, and monitored. The most effective alarms also detect carbon monoxide. For even more protection, use a 24/7 monitoring service that dispatches emergency personnel when necessary. Boyd & Associates can provide complete security that includes hardwired or wireless fire protection systems and 24/7 alarm monitoring. Our UL Listed Monitoring Station can send help whenever an alarm is triggered.

For more information, contact our sales team at 888-343-2852, or reach out to our business support department online.

A Guide to Different Types of Home Security Systems

There are various types of security systems on the market. From smoke and fire alarms to sophisticated systems to deter burglars, these solutions use a variety of methods and technologies. According to 2015 statistics from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a property crime occurred every 3.9 seconds and a home break-in/burglary occurred once every 20 seconds.1

A study on the decision-making processes and behavior of burglars was conducted by the Alarm Industry Research and Education Foundation. Factoring in information from 422 incarcerated male and female burglars, it found 83% of the subjects studied would look for an alarm before going forward, and 60% said they’d seek a different target if one was present. This was especially true for those who spent time planning their approach.2

These statistics can be very useful when safeguarding your property. The type of alarm system and detectors installed depends on the most imminent hazard. Here is a guide to the latest technology for protecting your home and family this holiday season:

Monitored Home Security Systems

A monitored security system is tracked by a team or remote professionals 24/7 at a state-of-the-art monitoring center. It is operated by a central control panel. Numerous components transmit important data to a centralized station, including sensors for doors and windows. Motion sensors are used to monitor the exterior and interior of homes for potential intrusions, while wired/wireless security cameras, audible sirens/alarms, and security signage are also used.

Unmonitored Home Security Systems

Unmonitored systems consist of a control panel, sensors, and sirens/alarms as well as motion detectors and motion-activated cameras. Visual indicators such as lights may be included as well. Although triggered the same way as monitored systems, these are not tracked by a dedicated service. However, you can monitor your home from a smartphone or computer, so you can receive alerts from, arm/disarm, and configure the system via your mobile device rather than on-site keypads.

Wired Home Security Systems

If you’re more traditional and prefer a security system connected with wires to a home electrical circuit, landlines can be used. These security systems are directly connected to your phone while sending alerts using radio frequency signals. A back-up battery keeps the system running in case the power is disrupted. A wired system can be just as effective in an emergency, but the prevalence of digital technologies is making this configuration less popular.

Wireless Home Security Systems

Easier to install, update, and control, a wireless home security system uses the same cellular signals as your mobile phone. You’ll receive instant alerts when sensors are triggered. Benefits include simple installation you don’t need a professional for, and factory pre-programming that means the equipment is ready to use as soon as it arrives. The only downside is system reliability depends on the cellular signal quality in your area.

Other Types of Alarm Systems

Burglars aren’t the only home security threats. Smoke, fire, and inclement weather can put you in harm’s way. Fortunately, there are different options to consider that can monitor your property and alert you as soon as there’s a problem. These include:

  • Smoke Detectors: According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, about 1,100 residential fire deaths could be prevented annually if every home had a smoke alarm.3 Smoke contains carbon monoxide, harmful chemicals, and particulates that can be deadly even if a fire isn’t anywhere near you. Today’s smoke alarms placed near bedrooms can alert everyone to an emergency so you can get out and contact the authorities right away.
  • Fire Alarms: Advanced fire detection systems from Boyd & Associates feature a cellular connection and backup battery, so they provide constant protection even if the power goes out. They are automatically activated when a fire is detected. This means whether you are home or not, awake or sleeping, the alarm notifies you of a problem so you can take the appropriate action.
  • Glass-break Detectors: These can detect glass shattering or cracking using a type of microphone. The high-decibel alarm can alert you of a break-in or glass damage due to weather conditions. The microphone is designed to pick up the unique sound of glass breaking, whether from your front door or any window in your house.
  • Critical Alarm System: Trips when there is any type of indoor flooding, due to natural events or an issue with your plumbing. Immediate notification of a problem can help you avoid serious consequences such as extensive water damage or mold, while avoiding the potentially high cost of professional repairs, which can easily run into the thousands of dollars.

Boyd Can Help You Figure Out Which Type of Security System to Get

Boyd & Associates installs, manages, and monitors home security systems, including burglar, fire, and other alarms. Our services include professional guidance in determining the best security systems for your property. Homes, businesses, and communities have been relying on us since 1967. We provide the same advanced systems and service for all our residential and business clients, and our highly trained security teams can not only properly install alarm systems, but monitor them constantly to relay an emergency to the authorities. To learn more about the types of security systems we can install or request service, support, or a free consultation, contact us today.


The Best Tips for Holiday Home Safety

The holiday season is a time to be festive, but it’s also a time to consider home safety, especially regarding fires.

About 30% of home fires occur during December, January, and February, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), resulting in 38% of home fire deaths. The NFPA also found fires involving Christmas trees and seasonal décor cause twice as many injuries and five times more fatalities than the average home fire during the winter holidays. 1

Cooking, heating, and open flames, including those from fireplaces, contribute to the danger. Christmas trees, garlands, and other holiday decorations are also sources of fires. While fire isn’t the only hazard this time of year (falls, electrocutions, and poisonings are high on the list), there are fire safety tips that can protect your home, family, and guests.

Below are tips to avoid dangerous situations and ensure children and adults remain safe this holiday season.

Christmas Tree Safety

An average of 260 home fires per year start with Christmas trees. As a result of these fires, there are about 12 deaths and $16.4 million in property damage.2 To avoid your household becoming one more statistic:

  • Choose your tree wisely: If you purchase a live tree, make sure it is green, which means it’s fresh. The needles should not break when you bend them and shouldn’t easily come off the branches. An artificial tree doesn’t guarantee fire safety despite the absence of live trimmings. If you choose to purchase one, look for a label that states it is fire-resistant. Non-combustible materials will prevent it from easily burning.
  • Place your tree carefully: Set up your tree away from heat sources such as fireplaces, portable heaters, and radiators. It should be out of the way and not block doorways, so there’s no danger of someone accidentally knocking the tree over. If the tree is live, fill the stand with water, as a dry one will be less flame-resistant. Also, cut a few inches off the trunk to expose fresh wood that will more effectively absorb water.
  • Be careful lighting and decorating your tree: Many Christmas tree fires have electrical To avoid a problem, inspect the lighting and check for cord damage. Any damaged lights and strands should be thrown away.

Turn off lights and decorations before bedtime, or install an automatic timer, and use a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) to lower the shock risk. To avoid an overload, don’t connect more than 70 strings of 50-bulb mini lights or 300-600 strings of LED lights (50 bulbs each) to one circuit; don’t overload extension cords either.

  • Properly dispose of the tree: Christmas trees dry out the longer they’re in your home and become more flammable over time. A lot of tree-related home fires occur in January for this reason. When a dried-out Christmas tree burns, a complete flashover can occur in less than a minute, as found during a burn test conducted by the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission.3

Holiday Outdoor Lighting

Whenever you install holiday lights outside your home:

  • Place them near only non-combustible, flame-resistant, and flame-retardant
  • Check the label to ensure the product is certified for outdoor use.
  • Avoid damaging a cord’s wire insulation (use hooks or insulated staples rather than nails or tacks).
  • Plug outdoor electrical cords and decorations into a GFCI circuit to avoid shocks from improperly grounded
  • Even if a light string has been used before, look for damage before plugging it in.

Candle Safety

Candles cause one-third of all home decoration fires each year, whether used for decoration or during outages. Most home candle fires happen on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. 4 Fortunately, they can be easily prevented.

  • Use flameless candles: They can be as decorative as traditional candles; except they operate on batteries. Just remember to turn them off when you leave the house.
  • Don’t let a candle burn unattended: Never leave the room with a candle burning, even for a few minutes. Blowing it out easily avoids a potentially hazardous

Also, exercise caution when using candles to decorate your home. They should be at least 12 inches from any flammable item. And, use a sturdy candle holder to prevent them from tipping over.

Holiday Entertaining

To ensure the safety of your family and guests, keep in mind the following tips for entertaining:

  • Test your smoke detectors and alarms before the holiday (make sure they can be heard in the bedroom, halls, and everywhere else in your home).
  • Make sure your carbon monoxide detector is working.
  • Have a fire escape plan and inform visitors of what this plan is when they arrive.
  • Keep an eye on the kitchen to make sure cooking appliances don’t catch fire.
  • Store matches and lighters up high, locked in a cabinet, and out of reach of children.
  • Use large, deep ashtrays and check them often for burning materials.

Chimney & Fireplace Safety

Failure to clean chimneys is a major contributor to home heating fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association. A professional chimney sweep can take care of the problem. It’s best to hire one that is certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America, who can thoroughly inspect and clean both your chimneys and fireplaces. They can check any wood-burning stoves as well.

You can also address a few safety factors on your own, such as:

  • Clearing debris from the fireplace: Logs and firewood quickly burn into ashes, which should be cleaned up to reduce flammable material that can collect in the chimney. Also, open the damper before any fire is lit.
  • Use safe materials: Avoid using painted or pressure-treated wood. All the fuel available in the fireplace should be consumed; otherwise, the fire will burn too slowly, and hazardous materials can build up in the chimney flue.
  • Set up your fire properly: By placing larger logs on the bottom, topped by a cross-layer of smaller ones and crushed newspaper and kindling, you can have a hotter, cleaner fire. This “top-down burn” method works by lighting the newspaper and letting the flame do the rest.

Don’t Forget About Home Security

Fire and electrical safety should be your top priorities this holiday season. Fire/smoke/carbon monoxide alarm systems are available for a complete home environment monitoring solution. But you also don’t want to skimp on security, as home break-ins and theft are on the rise this time of year too. Whether you’re entertaining at home or traveling, you can depend on Boyd & Associates for state-of-the-art security systems and 24/7 alarm monitoring services.

We’re trusted throughout Southern California and provide everything from simple touchscreen controls to video surveillance systems, door and window sensors, pet-friendly motion detectors, and window break detectors.

For advice on the best systems for your home this holiday season, and for professional installation, call Boyd & Associates at 888-919-3326 or contact us online today.


Fire Alarm Systems: Major Benefits and Advantages

Fire alarms are among the greatest assets for homeowners.

From 2013 through 2017, there were over 354,000 home structure fires per year, as estimated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This resulted in an annual average of 2,620 civilian deaths and 11,220 injuries.

The most common causes of home fires were from cooking, heating, electrical distribution, and lighting systems, including those used during the holidays, like Christmas trees and lights.1 Fireplaces used during the holidays and colder months can create hazards as well.

A fire alarm system includes many components and features to help keep you protected. It saves lives by warning building occupants of emergencies so they can get out of danger. The typical components in a fire alarm system that provide protection and life-saving benefits include:

  • A primary/secondary power supply, including batteries
  • A sensitive carbon monoxide and/or smoke detector
  • Audible alerts, flashing lights, and other notifications
  • Pull stations, smoke alarms, and other initiating devices
  • A control panel for constant monitoring and dispatch management

Benefits of a Fire Alarm System

Fire alarms have many advantages. In the event of a fire, they provide detection and notification without you having to do anything. whether you are home or not. They can also automatically dispatch the fire department to your location. The greatest benefits also include:

  • Avoid Smoke Inhalation: Smoke inhalation is the leading cause of death related to fires2; more so than heat or flames. A mixture of particles, chemicals, and gases, smoke causes everything from skin and mucous membrane irritation to swelling, respiratory distress, and airway collapse. Without immediate medical help, smoke inhalation can lead to suffocation and death. A fire alarm can protect you against exposure to harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and others often found in smoke.
  • Early Fire Detection: An audible or visual signal enables you to seek safety soon after the fire starts. Once fire and/or smoke conditions trigger the system, you can use an available fire extinguisher to protect your home and belongings or rush your family to safety. Early detection can enable you to avoid serious damage or destruction, so it is of extreme importance. In addition to providing security in the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, and family rooms, a fire alarm can quickly alert firefighters so they can help minimize the damage.
  • Discounts on Insurance: When you install fire alarms, you can save money on home They help cut costs for insurance companies by reducing the risk of a fire destroying your home, appliances, and possessions. Installing a fire alarm system shows you are taking responsibility and are prepared for unexpected events. Instant notification of a potential fire and fast action can minimize the amount of an insurance claim; your fire protection devices can, therefore, go a long way in qualifying you for discounted homeowner’s insurance policies.
  • Decreased Risk of Fire Damage: Property damage can require large investments and a great deal of time to repair. You can also avoid damage to nearby properties when you install a residential fire alarm. This level of prevention is possible because a fire alarm system can enable firefighters to respond and put out the fire before it gets out of control. The less damage there is, the quicker you can get each affected room back in order.

Other Advantages

A home fire alarm system is affordable and easy to install. When a fire alarm is activated, it boosts your security and safety during a dangerous event. Additional advantages to consider include:

  • Placement Flexibility: A fire alarm can be placed just about anywhere you want. Its effectiveness is maximized when the detector is placed near the kitchen or other areas with fire hazards. Proximity to bedrooms and family rooms is important, as it’s easiest to hear the alarm when it warns of danger.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: Fire alarms provide constant protection, whether you’re at home, asleep for the night, or away in which case you can receive remote These advantages exemplify the many uses of a fire alarm system. Also, many systems include 24/7 monitoring services for constant protection no matter where you are.
  • Easy & Affordable: Once installed, fire and smoke detectors are easy to use. They automatically sense hazardous conditions without you doing anything. It’s not expensive to have a professional installer put them in; plus, even if insurance can replace lost or damaged belongings, you can’t replace personal items such as gifts from loved ones or photo albums.
  • Low Maintenance: Despite their importance, fire alarms require little maintenance, except for occasionally changing batteries or having them professionally inspected. There’s little obligation and cost-overhead associated with having a fire alarm system.

Additional Resources

For more insights on the advantages and importance of fire alarms, check out these resources from Boyd & Associates:

Additional insights on causes, circumstances, and statistics related to home structure fires can be found on the NFPA website and its informational report and tables.

Contact Boyd & Associates

Boyd & Associates has been providing fire alarm and other home security services since 1967. We serve homeowners throughout Los Angeles as well as Orange, Ventura, and Riverside Counties. In addition to dependable professional installation, we provide 24/7 fire alarm system monitoring, as all our systems have a built-in cellular connection. A backup battery is included as well, so your home remains protected even if there’s a power outage. Trained professionals monitor your system from a central facility, and immediately respond to alerts and notify the proper authorities who can potentially save your home, family, and belongings in an emergency.

Call Boyd & Associates at 800-381-2693 or contact us online, today, to learn more about our fire alarm system installation and monitoring services.
