Protecting Your Assets: How to Secure Your Bank Accounts

Banking is a crucial part of our daily lives. We trust banks to keep our hard-earned money safe, but unfortunately, they aren’t immune to theft or fraud. With the rise of cybercrime, it’s more important than ever to take steps to protect your assets in the bank. Here are some simple tips to help you secure your bank accounts:

Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication: Your passwords should be long, complex, and unique to each of your accounts. Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of protection.

Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi can be a breeding ground for hackers. When accessing your bank accounts on public Wi-Fi, use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your connection.

Watch out for phishing scams: Scammers often use emails and text messages that appear to be from your bank, asking you to provide sensitive information. Always double-check the sender’s email address and never click on links in unsolicited emails.

Keep your software and anti-virus programs up to date: Regularly updating your software and anti-virus programs can help prevent cyberattacks.

Monitor your accounts regularly: Keep a close eye on your bank accounts by regularly checking your statements and transactions. If you spot any suspicious activity, report it immediately to your bank.

By following these simple tips, you can help protect your assets in the bank and keep your money safe. At Boyd & Associates, we understand the importance of home security, and we offer a range of products and services to help keep you and your assets safe. Contact us today to learn more.

Back To School Safety Tips

Back to school is always one of the busiest times of the year. The change in routine—or the return to one–can be difficult for your entire family. Follow these safety tips to help your children and family stay safe during back-to-school season and throughout the new school year.

Use An Alarm System With Remote Alerts

If you don’t already have one, consider installing a home security system. You’ll receive alerts when your child enters their code into the alarm system, letting you know that they’ve arrived home safely. You can also set up sensors in sensitive areas of the house such as near gun cabinets, liquor cabinets, or medicine closets. With home automation, you’ll always be able to monitor the activities of your household through your phone.

Remind Your Kids To Lock The Door

Your children should know how to lock the door and know to do it every time they leave or enter the house. Educate your children about never opening the door to strangers, especially when they are home alone.

Show Your Kids How To Use The Alarm System

Ensure that your children know how to arm and disarm your alarm system. Show them how to hit the panic button and tell them what to do in case of an emergency. They also need to know the difference between burglar, fire, and carbon monoxide alarms.

Plan A Safe Route To School

If your child walks or bikes to school each day, plan a safe route to and from school. Avoid as many street crossings as possible and remain in areas that are highly populated. Encourage your children to refrain from using their cell phone while walking but to always have it on them in case of an emergency. If they ride a bike, be sure they have a properly-fitting helmet and always wear it.

Use And Teach Safe Driving Habits

While driving, always pay attention to the road. If you have children in the car, be certain that their seatbelts are buckled. Never use your cell phone while driving. It is important that you teach younger teen drivers these safe driving methods as well—and modeling good behavior is one of the best ways to instill it in your kids.

Help Children Memorize Important Numbers

Teach your children to memorize their home address, their home phone number, your cell phone number, and an emergency contact. It is important that they know how to contact someone in case of an emergency.

Teach Children About Strangers

Kids shouldn’t talk to anyone they don’t know. They should never accept a gift or a ride from any strangers. In case such an incident arises, children should also know whom to go to for help, such as a teacher or a police officer.

Get A Video Doorbell

With a video doorbell, you’ll be able to see who is at the door as well as answer it even when you aren’t home. This device also allows your children to see who is at the door, and talk to them, without having to answer the door.

Know Your Child’s Routine

Make sure you and your child know their routines before, during, and after school for each day of the week.

Keep Lines Of Communication Open

Ask your children to check in with you as they move through their daily routine so that you know they’re safe. Let them know it’s okay to call you at any time.

Practice Safety At Home

Decide whether your children are old enough and mature enough to use certain appliances or have visitors over while you’re not home. Be clear about your expectations. Children can’t follow the rules if they don’t fully understand them!

Review Social Media And Internet Usage At Home

Let your children know that you will have access to their social media accounts and warn them about appropriate usage. Warn them about the potential dangers of online strangers and how to avoid online bullying.

Our team at Boyd & Associates wants you and your children to remain safe throughout the school year. Start this new school year right by preparing for anything and protecting your home and family.

Dogs and Home Security: 5 Ways Pooches Boost Home Safety

How often do we see dogs and home security crossover scenarios play out in pop culture? Think about the classic watch dog moment in countless movies and TV shows, where we’ve seen man’s best friend cast in a heroic, starring role. The burglar breaks into the home with something nefarious in mind, but before he knows it, the tables are turned as the family’s faithful pooch backs him into a corner or chases him out.

While they’re no replacement for an actual home security system, there are plenty of ways dogs can add an extra boost to your home protection.


One of the best things about dogs are their heightened senses. They will first smell, then hear people coming long before you ever notice them. A K9’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than that of a human’s, and will often notify their owners if something out of the ordinary is nearby.

The difference is distinguishing your dog’s “normal” behavior, like barking at the mailman, versus warning you of a possible disturbance on your street or property. But in essence, a good watchdog is another set of eyes that can keep a close watch over your “den.”


Another home security advantage to a barking dog is that it not only alerts you to possible dangers and disturbances, but your neighbors and any passersby as well. Just like a loud, ear-piercing alarm sounding off, a non-stop roaring dog is going to draw attention.

If you have neighbors that know your animal, they may know the difference in sounds of barks, too. Not to mention, the hour could make it glaringly apparent to others that something is out of the ordinary. A loud bark disturbing the middle of the night, for instance. A concerned neighbor might be drawn to investigate, and call authorities in some cases when necessary.


There are plenty of reasons not to confront an intruder in the event of an actual home invasion, but in some cases, the situation might be unavoidable. If you have a particularly large breed of dog, that can be a major intimidation factor to home intruders. Especially if for some reason your dog doesn’t bark at first, or those initial noises don’t scare off a burglar, the physical presence of your dog (and the reality of being in the same space) might make all the difference in a dangerous situation.


As we said earlier, dogs are protective of their den (your home!). And that means everyone in it, too. Your dog’s loyalty to you and your family adds an entirely new dimension as a home security asset. You know your dog better than anyone, which means you understand their behavior and can sense when something is truly amiss in the way they’re behaving toward outside disturbances.

And in the event of a home invasion, your dog may even attack an intruder to protect itself and its family, giving you time to escape and contact the proper authorities. But unless your pooch is military trained, an attack would likely be instinctual. And this may put your pet in serious physical danger,  and should be avoided at all costs. But in the cases it isn’t, it’s nice knowing your watchdog has your back, right?


The point is, most dog owners feel a strong sense of companionship to their animal. And in many cases, that loyalty is reciprocated. Beyond the natural advantages a dog can provide to home security, their comforting presence alone can make a world of difference to your day-to-day peace of mind. In general, it’s a comforting feeling to have an active, physical presence in your home to beef up security. And that’s just the icing to the canine cake – dogs are “man’s best friend” for a reason!


It’s important to note that not every dog breed is suited for home security. The American Kennel Club suggests that some of the best guard dog breeds include Akitas, Boxers, Bullmastiff, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, various Shepherd dogs (German, Australian, etc.), and more. These are mostly larger breeds, but there are smaller and medium sized dogs that fit the mold based on their natural behavioral instincts.

However, proper training is also another major factor. You don’t want a dog that barks at every noise; you want one that tells you when something is wrong. It’s also important that you’re able to call your dog off and tell him to ‘sit’ and ‘stay.’ Dogs aren’t born knowing these skills. You’ll need to participate in their training and reinforce what they’ve learned throughout their lives. But even an untrained barking dog may still deter burglars.


Dogs are not a replacement for  24/7 home security and alarm monitoring services. Instead, think of them as a furry extra layer to supplement your home safety! And if you’re looking for more ways to keep yourself and your family safe, check out our home security services at Boyd & Associates. We offer a wide range of home security options to protect you and your family. If you’re ready to discuss our custom solutions, contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you prepare for what’s next.