Your Guide To Cellular Alarm Monitoring

Have you ever wondered what really makes your security system tick? It all has to do with cellular alarm monitoring! This technology helps ensure your devices and security system stay connected to our central monitoring stations. With cellular alarm monitoring, the help you need is always nearby in the event of an emergency. Learn more about how it all works right here.

What is Cellular Alarm Monitoring?

Cellular alarm monitoring service is the new standard in home security monitoring. Operating on a dedicated cellular channel, the system sends a wireless signal via a secure, encrypted transmission to our central monitoring stations in case of an emergency. Additionally, cellular monitoring uses its own dedicated network to send and receive signals, so you do not need a cell phone to upgrade to cellular monitoring.

Are Landlines Obsolete?

Almost 25% of Americans now live in homes without a landline. And that figure doubles among young adults aged 25-29. While there is no hard cut-off date for landline termination, most will likely be retired in favor of more reliable, cost-effective, and flexible cellular communication.

What are the Benefits of Cellular Alarm Monitoring?

Cellular monitoring systems are easy to install without the need for drilling or rewiring in your home or business. As more people switched to cell phones as their primary source of communication, Cellular Monitoring became more relevant to the point where it’s now the standard for home security solutions.

Plus, with cellular alarm monitoring, you stay connected no matter what. Since it transmits on a separate, secure wireless network, your system remains in constant communication with the central station. Even when:

  • Power outages cut lines due to extreme weather
  • You change telephone service providers
  • Burglars cut your lines prior to an attempted break-in

Make the Most of Cellular Alarm Monitoring with Smart Home Upgrades

Like an amazing universal remote control, Smart Home automation from Boyd & Associates gives you the power to control not only your security system but all exterior door locks, interior and exterior lighting, as well as temperature control, from anywhere!

Upgrade today and turn your phone into a remote control for your home. With cellular monitoring and a smartphone, tablet, or computer with an internet connection, you have access to many additional features, such as:

  • Remote Arm & Disarm
  • Remote Lock & Unlock
  • Climate Control
  • Lighting Control
  • Live Streaming Video Surveillance
  • Real-Time Alerts

For More Security Tips and Solutions, Stick with Boyd & Associates

And if you’re looking for more ways to keep yourself and your family safe, check out our home security and automation services at Boyd & Associates. We offer a wide range of home security options to protect you and your family. If you’re ready to discuss our custom solutions, contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you prepare for what’s next.

How to Protect Your Business on Black Friday

With Black Friday fast approaching, businesses and shoppers are looking to score on holiday deals. Since there’s going to be larger foot traffic than usual, you must take the proper precautions to ensure the safety of your customers, employees, and business.

Although online shopping has grown significantly in recent years, there are still tons of people who head out to retail stores in person, especially where there are amazing deals. Along with physical security, business owners also have to keep the health and safety of their employees and customers in mind. Here’s how to ensure a safe Black Friday in 2021.

Establish Health and Safety Protocols

Black Friday is going to be a long and tough day for your employees. There’s going to be a lot of people moving in and out of your store throughout the day. You want your employees to feel safe and supported.

With COVID-19 still circulating, you want to establish a set of health and safety protocols for your store. Although there aren’t currently any mandates in most parts of the country, consider implementing procedures your employees feel comfortable with, such as supply enough hand sanitizer for employees and customers, requiring masks in the store, etc. Here are the CDC recommendations for businesses for further details.

Prepare and Educate Your Employees

In addition to safety tips, you want to prepare your employees on how to handle Black Friday. This is especially important for new hires who haven’t worked one before.

The best way to prepare your team is to hire early. When employees are comfortable with the job, they are better equipped to handle face-paced and high-stress situations. Since Black Friday is only a few weeks away, you want to start the onboarding process now if you haven’t done so already.

Another key tip is to establish clear expectations for the day. If you own or operate a store with multiple departments, then you want to assign team members to their respective departments days in advance. So, when Black Friday finally arrives, they know exactly where they need to be and their respective role for the day.

And lastly, be prepared to step in and help on the floor. It can get chaotic during Black Friday. However, when employees see their managers or even the owner on the floor helping customers, that sets a great example for the entire team.

Have a Security System Covering Your Store

Keeping track of all the people in your store during Black Friday is a near-impossible task. Fortunately, one of the best ways for businesses to deter criminal activity is with a surveillance system. Security cameras not only deter crime but can also help with investigations in the case a burglary occurs. For placement, you want to have security cameras covering your main points of entry, as well as the products you have on the floor.

If you’re not sure the best way to set your security cameras or monitor your system, consider partnering with a security provider. At Boyd & Associates, we service small to medium-sized and even large businesses. We can keep your business protected this Black Friday and the other 364 days in the year. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial security solutions.

Small Business Security Systems – Protection for the Little Guy

Here at Boyd & Associates, we love small businesses. They’re the backbone of our economies, our cities, and our country! For that reason, we wanted to talk about how security systems can help out. Despite what you may think, small business security systems feature the same power and features as their big business counterparts – often they’re just less complex.

Small Business Security Systems

Intrusion Protection for Small Business

Intruders are just as much a problem for small businesses as they are for others. And the solutions are the same as well!  An intrusion alarm allows us to monitor your property when you aren’t there, keeping your property, people, and product safe and secure. Detection devices in our complete commercial business security systems include:

  • Door contacts
  • Motion sensors
  • Photoelectric beams (often used for large spaces like storage yards or warehouses)
  • Glass break detectors
  • Panic buttons

Video Surveillance for Small Business

Video surveillance is a powerful tool for businesses of any size. A well-designed video surveillance system is comprised of HD-quality IP cameras covering every angle of your business. These not only provide higher security over the business but are powerful tools for increasing the productivity and efficiency of employees, processes, and customer service. And it provides business owners with protection in case of insurance claims for injury etc. It’s a boost no matter the size of your business!

Features of our video surveillance security systems for businesses include:

  • Scalable solutions – start while your business is small, it can grow with you!
  • Sophisticated software, but simple to use
  • Long-range video detection
  • Wireless video detection systems options
  • Remote access from anywhere using a smart device
  • Digital Recording

Access Control for Small Businesses

Access control might be the place where businesses can practice a bit more discretion – but there are still benefits! Access control is crucial for the physical security of the building and allows for more fine-tuning of the control to who gets in and when. A simple key and lock don’t provide the fine-tuning that a real access control system does – such as who can access the building, what days and time, and more. Typically, small businesses don’t have as many different roles within the business structure or areas in their business space so they don’t need as robust an access control system – but even a simple one can do wonders.

Video Verification for Small Businesses

Standard, bare minimum small business security systems can have false alarms frequently. Because of this, many jurisdictions require some sort of verification before there’s a response from emergency services. Using monitoring and video verification services for your small business means that any alarm is verified and ensures a priority response from police, so your alarms don’t go unnoticed.

Business Security Systems for California Businesses – Large or Small

When you’re searching for the best in small business security systems in the Southern California area, Boyd & Associates is here to help. These are just four of the big picture services we offer our clients to keep their businesses running smoothly and operating safely. We also provide automation and fire safety services – because running a small business is difficult enough, you should be able to rely on your security team!

Our easy-to-use security systems use advanced tech to deliver a higher level of protection – for your customers, your employees, your property, your business. Give us a call today if you want to take advantage of a fully automated security system you can control with the tap of a finger from an online portal or app on your smartphone.


Burglary Prevention: 7 Signs Your Home Is A Target

One of the major keys to burglary prevention is awareness. And much of that awareness comes from understanding the ways in which your home may be a target for would-be intruders. There are many tell-tale signs to watch out for, and some are less obvious than others. For your home burglary prevention, here are 7 signs to look out for that may indicate your home is a target for burglars.

  1. Strangers Surveying Your Property

This one might be a little more obvious, and will also depend greatly on your neighborhood or general area you live in. Is it heavily populated? Is it normal to see people you don’t know? You shouldn’t be paranoid every time a stranger walks by your house. But there’s a major difference between someone passing through, or even taking a passing glance at your home or property, and someone potentially surveying your home for a future break-in.

And, if you notice someone suspiciously snooping around or intruding on your property in a way that makes you feel comfortable, take note and even call your local police if necessary. Burglary prevention is a community effort; be sure to share with neighbors any suspicious activity and work together to keep one another safe.

  1. Random Strangers Knocking On Your Door

It sounds simple, but one of the oldest tricks to get into someone’s home is to just knock on the front door. Maybe this mystery guest asks to use the bathroom or even tries to sell you a fake product. Always trust your gut in these instances; you don’t have to answer the door for everyone. And always be wary of any strangers that ask to enter your home.

A great SmartHome solution for burglar prevention is a doorbell camera. Screen visitors before you ever answer the door and have video evidence on-hand of any suspicious activity.

  1. Uncertified Workers

You may contract for work to be done on your home, whether on the interior or for outside projects. But make sure all the workers are certified. In some instances, a burglar may see workers coming and going and use it as a chance to survey or even to enter your home. You should know the scale of the project at hand and the size and specifics of the personnel doing the work. Always make sure to contact the company if you are unsure of a worker’s legitimacy.

  1. Unsolicited Fundraisers 

Much like random strangers knocking, other burglary prevention comes from being aware of who is right at your front door. A twelve-year-old girl selling Girl Scout Cookies may not be a threat to your home, but other solicitors should always be treated with caution. Burglars are looking for any opportunity to see the inside of your home and any potential valuables and points of access.

  1. Strangers Taking Photos Of Your Home

These days, everyone is a photographer. With advances in smartphones, it’s easier than ever for anyone to stealthily take photos. And that ease makes it a great tool for burglars to canvas your house and create an intrusion plan. If you see anyone take a picture of your home, you need to immediately act. Notify local law enforcement, document what you see, and share with your neighbors and community leaders. Two can play the photo game; if possible, take a picture of the suspicious photographer as well. Just be sure to do so safely.

  1. Stickers Or Flyers

Promotional flyers or coupons and menus from local establishments aren’t necessarily a burglary threat. But if you’re noticing a higher volume of stickers or flyers on your front door, or stickers and flyers you don’t recognize, it could be a sign of potential danger. A burglar may attempt to use this method to see if a home is well guarded or not.

This, of course, is not always a signal that someone is trying to break into your home, but it is something to keep an eye out for. If you’re going to be away for a period, have a neighbor check in on your home to ensure nothing is piling up on the front lawn.

  1. Strange Markings On Your Home

Many burglars will use subtle markings to identify a house they are casing. This could be a simple symbol like a string placed on the house or a marking on your lampposts. If you see any unexplained marking that doesn’t appear to have happened naturally or accidentally, move it immediately.

For More Security Tips And Solutions, Stick With Boyd & Associates

It’s important you’re aware of what is going on around your neighborhood. You can protect your home and your neighbors by keeping an eye on anything that may seem out of place. Communicate with your neighbors so they can be aware as well.

And if you’re looking for more ways to keep yourself and your family safe, check out our home security and automation services. We offer a wide range of home security options to protect you and your family. If you’re ready to discuss our custom solutions, contact us today to learn more about how we can help you prepare for what’s next.


Is It Time To Manage Your Company Security System With A Mobile App?

Managing your office and employees’ security is good business. 

Your alarm system can do more than just keep your office secure. You can turn your lights on and off, set your thermostat, lock your doors, view cameras, and receive notifications, all from the Virtual Keypad™ app.

Choose your level of protection with options to arm All, Perimeter or Area, you can have the peace of mind that your investments are well protected. Set alerts you want to receive Choose to receive notifications in cases of Alarms, Trouble, and Arms/Disarms. Manage system schedules Schedule Arming/Disarming, your Favorites, Doors, Z-Wave devices, and other outputs. Control multiple devices with one tap With the Favorites settings you can group your most-used devices and turn them on or off with a single tap.

Multiple system control Manage multiple locations seamlessly from the same app.

Give us a call today to learn more.

Small Business Security Tips: Why You Need A Security System

Small business owners might not always think about security on a daily basis. When you’re too busy worried about the day-to-day operations of owning a business – from managing employees, keeping financial records, to the actual customer transactions of providing products or services, it can be easy to forget that entire operations often hinge on proper security. But, maybe now more than ever, small business security is an essential aspect of any entrepreneurial venture.

But it can be overwhelming knowing exactly where to start. Which is why we’ve compiled some quick-hitting tips to small business security. It’s time to start operating your business with complete peace of mind.


There are a few basic security measures any business owner should take on their own. Most are probably fairly obvious, but it never hurts to run through the basics!


Any business should understand the community they are becoming a part of. And that starts with taking stock of the physical places your business is existing. What are the crime statistics like in the area? Are you located in a region that could be affected by natural disasters? Are there any safety or security concerns with the business structure itself that could pose risks?

Don’t forget – your business space should have a smoke alarm and CO detector in every room!


This is another pretty simple, obvious point, but the end of every business day should come with security checks. Is your workspace clean and organized? Are products and any cash from transactions locked away in a safe, secure location?

Always be sure to lock every entry point. Shutting off lights is a great way to let people know your business is closed. But it can also be an indication for burglars, especially if there are dark areas to hide. Keep lighting balanced to save on energy, but also ward off intruders.


These days it’s not enough to just have physical security in place. As more and more businesses operate online, the greater the risk for cyberattacks like malware, phishing, hacks and scams. Get ahead with a basic cybersecurity plan to protect your business:

  • Use firewalls and antivirus software
  • Make sure your Wi-Fi network is secure
  • Rotate passwords quarterly
  • Protect payment processors
  • Back up any business data to a secure cloud network

Secondly, remember to educate yourself – every business is going to have unique risks inherent to individual business structure and industry that must be considered.

While these basic measures are a good start, overall they limit security options for small businesses. It is important to understand when it’s the right time to upgrade to a full small business security system.


Small business security systems come with many of the same perks and advantages that are present in home security systems. And in most cases, security solutions can be customized to fit the unique needs of any business in any industry.


Just like your home security, you can (and should!) install sensors on all doors and windows. This will allow you to know when people are coming and going on a daily basis during normal operation hours. Additionally, with 24 hour monitoring, you can trust that when you arm your system that first responders will quickly dispatch in the event of an intrusion.


Business sizes vary, and maybe you can’t always be onsite. With open/close reporting, you can keep an eye on your business operations from afar. Know which employees open and close, track shifts, and keep detailed daily log records.


Security cameras are a popular small business security measure. And they can be taken to the next level. While there is certainly a market for business owners to purchase and install video systems themselves, they lack the nuance and technical advancement of a system installed by a professional company.

And with Video Verification, in the event of an alarm, live operators will monitor your surveillance footage and can notify police the moment any suspicious activity is verified, increasing first responder intel, and expediting response times. Plus, real-time analytics help provide advanced metrics, secure video data via Cloud storage, and allow you to view footage with searchable timelines.


Just like Smart Home Automation solutions, adding automation to your business can take those basic security measures to new heights. Plus it’ll add major improvements to how an installed system functions.

Smart business automation allows you to access your business security through any computer, smartphone or tablet. That means you can remotely arm your system and monitor those daily security reports from your couch at the end of a long day. Plus you can pull up your surveillance feeds at a moment’s notice to check in.


As a business owner, every penny counts. And smart business automation can help you save more money in the long run on your energy bills. Smart thermostats and lights allow you to set schedules and routines, and change on the fly based on real-time analytics.

And with automated lights and locks, you will never second guess whether you closed up shop or not. Want to make sure the back door is locked? Worried about your front light being left on? Not a problem. You can remotely arm your system, check locks, and even turn lights on and off, long after you have left your business.



 While most fundamental security needs are pretty standard across the board, at the end of the day, every business is unique. The security needs of a small neighborhood coffee shop might vary greatly from that of an auto-body repair business. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions for business security.

At Boyd & Associates, we understand that every business is different. Which is why we offer custom security solutions for your business. That way, you choose the combination of services that best suits the needs of your business.

If you’re looking for more ways to keep yourself and your family safe, check out our home security and automation services at Boyd & Associates. We offer a wide range of home security options to protect you and your family. If you’re ready to discuss our custom solutions, contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you prepare for what’s next.