Home Security and Spring Cleaning Guide: How to Prep for Safer, Warmer Months
Depending on the weather in California, you may find yourself in flip-flops one day and furry boots the next. But there is no denying that despite our rainy Winter so far this year, Spring is coming!
With this years harsh cold and flu season, many of us have become cleaning and disinfecting ninjas — so a little spring cleaning? No sweat! Take advantage of this mindset, and any extra time you have at home, to make your home a more pleasant place to be.
But don’t stop at dusting and power-washing; it might be time to clean up your home security, too!
Statistics have shown that crime often rises after we “spring forward” at Daylight Saving Time.
When the temperature rises outdoors, we take more time off, get more active, go on more vacations, and just stay out later. It’s probably no coincidence that home burglary rates increase during the summer months, according to a study by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Some spring cleaning tasks can make your home safer.
For some, spring cleaning may be the one time of year you do a thorough deep cleaning and decluttering of your entire home. This is when we address the areas that might often get passed over, which means the furniture is getting moved, and doors and windows are being examined. It’s a good opportunity to uncover safety issues or spots where a burglar might try to break in.
Like anything else in your home, security alarm systems need regular maintenance.
If you have a smart home security system, you have probably noticed they do a lot of the thinking for you (that’s the point!). It’s easy to adopt a set-it-and-forget-it attitude. But a little bit of maintenance and regular check-ins go a long way — and milestones like Daylight Savings and the start of spring are great reminders to do just that.
Set yourself up for a safer, more secure spring and summer by making home security part of your spring cleaning ritual.
If you own a smart home security system, there are a few extra tasks we suggest adding to your checklist:
- Sanitize your security and home automation equipment.
Some of the equipment you use to control and secure your home may be hands-free — like a motion sensor — and some you might touch every day, like your panel.
From your smart thermostat to your security panel to your cameras, make sure your security and home automation devices are on your spring cleaning list. Too much dust and debris can interfere with how devices like smoke detectors function. Play it safe and keep ’em clean!
- Set up a schedule to test your system.
If you have professionally monitored security, it is important to test your system to make sure it’s communicating properly with the monitoring center. It is simple to do and will give you peace of mind.
We recommend testing once a month, and after making any adjustments in your home that may impact your systems, such as landline, internet, and broadband service changes. If you are planning to do any remodeling or home renovations, make a note to test your system afterward. It’s also a good idea to do a test a week before taking a vacation as an extra precaution.
- Update your emergency contacts.
Take a minute to make sure all of your account information is correct, and update your emergency contacts. Your emergency contacts are the people your monitoring team will call if anything goes wrong, and they can’t get in touch with you.
- Set up your security notifications.
All the bells and whistles that come with a smart home system are amazing, but ultimately, your safety and peace of mind is what it’s all about. Alerts and notifications provide instant awareness anywhere via your smartphone. If you haven’t programmed any alerts or notifications for your system yet, get started now!
Get smart home security for better home protection this spring
A professionally installed and monitored smart home security solution will give you peace of mind and confidence, especially during your warm-weather excursions.
Even if you’re still on the fence or aren’t sure what you need in a system, you can learn more about the benefits of smarter security by contacting us today!
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